Chimpanzee Class
Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Chimpanzees Class Page!

 Class Teacher:

Mrs Boughton

Teaching & Learning Assistants:

Monday-Friday: Miss Pardy

Friday AM: Ms Meadows

 General Information

PE Days: Wednesday and Thursday 

 Friday- Reading records are checked and new spellings are set. Please find the new spellings under the Autumn Section. The Spelling Menu provides alternative ways to learn the spellings.

Spelling MenuY6 Statutory Spellings

Long Term Planning  Weekly Timetable 

Spring Term


Spring 1 Medium Term PlanningSpring 1 Homework 

Spelling w/c 17th Jan   Target Group spellings w/c 17th Jan 

Parent Curriculum Meeting  


Autumn Term


Aut 1 Medium Term Planningg Autumn 1 Homework

Aut 2 Medium Term Planning Autumn 2 Homework  

Parent Curriculum Meeting 



On Seesaw, we will be sharing messages, our learning, and work we are proud of. Please make sure you are connected to ensure you stay updated with everything.

If you need help with connecting, please contact Mrs Boughton for a QR code to link to your account.


TT Rockstars

Miss Edwards has set up weekly TT Rockstar battles for KS2.

Can you earn the most points? Can you help Year 6 be victorious? Can year 6 take trophy at the end of the week?

Your class needs YOU! Do your bit and help us win!


 KS2 Parent Reading Workshop

     Reading Workshop Ppt Year 6 recommended reads 

Further reading recommendations can be found at 

The website includes useful suggestions for different text types including non-fiction, poetry, picture books and graphic novels. It also recommends books for the more reluctant readers/