Year Five

Welcome to Year 5, Jaguar Class!

 Similar Clip Art - Jaguar Clipart , Transparent Cartoon, Free ...

Class Teacher: Mr Molyneux

Teaching & Learning Assistants:

Mrs Pearmain (Mon-Fri) AM/PM

Ms Meadows (Mon) Leadership Cover + (Thur) AM


Autumn Term

Welcome back, everyone, from your well-deserved summer break! We hope you’ve had a fantastic time relaxing and are now recharged and ready to embark on our new learning journey in Year 5.

As we step into this exciting new term in UKS2, let’s channel our enthusiasm and energy into making the most of every moment. We’re set for an exhilarating adventure filled with new ideas, challenges to conquer, and achievements to celebrate.

There will be lots of thrilling activities and opportunities awaiting us this term. Let’s make this year in Year 5 truly unforgettable!

Looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!

Curriculum Presentation:

autumn term parent presentation.pdf

 Class Timetable 

 Autumn 1 Homework Menu  

Spellings Autumn 1 Wk1 

Recommended Reads 

The Reader Teacher Top 100 Books  





FRIDAY - Outdoor 


Miss Edwards has set up weekly TT Rockstar battles for KS2.

Can you earn the most points? Can you help Year 5 be victorious? Can year 5 take the trophy at the end of the week?

Your class needs YOU! Do your bit and help us win!

Find the current battles attached in the link below

Weekly Battles