The Vision
Positively Working together to Succeed
Our vision is to:
- Be a happy, self-motivated school
- Believe in ourselves no matter what
- Respect ourselves and each other
- Embrace new challenges and opportunities
- Reflect on our experiences as we grow
- Support each other in all we do to create a learning environment where we exceed our goals.
Aims of the School
At Priors Wood we aim to:
- Provide a happy, safe and caring school
- Develop and realise the full potential of all within the school, academically, personally and socially, both as individuals and as members of our community
- Provide a broad and balanced academic, physical and creative education through which the highest standards for each individual are achieved
- Equip each individual with appropriate learning and thinking skills and nurture their developing independence
- Develop the self-esteem and self-confidence of all individuals within the school community
- Maintain a stimulating environment that provides the appropriate challenge for individuals where the skills and attributes of staff are most effectively deployed
- Develop social awareness and concern for others, promote citizenship and equip children with the life skills they need through links with the wider community
- Develop a collaborative community where positive attitudes, relationships and role-models as well as mutual support and respect are valued, and high standards of behaviour are expected
- Establish a community spirit and promote a common ethos based on British values
- Develop a sense of reverence, appreciation, responsibility, awe and wonder about our world.