School Meals
Lunchtimes and snacks
We have a number of children who have serious nut allergies so we ask that lunch boxes and snacks are nut and sesame seeds free.
Tasty and nutritious midday meals made from healthy and, wherever possible, local ingredients, are cooked in our own kitchen. The menu works on a three weekly rota basis and offers the children three choices, one of which is a vegetarian dish. Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch.
Milk can be purchased for drinking at the mid-morning break, and is free for children of Nursery age and for Key stage 1 and 2 children who are entitled to Free School Meals. Mid-morning milk is being provided at a reduced price as a result of European Community subsidy and milk is good for your child
Key Stage 2 children may bring a drink and a healthy snack to eat at the morning break. We strongly recommend fruit or vegetables, you may send in an alternative snack provided it is low in fat and sugar but please do not send in sweets, crisps or chocolate biscuits.
Foundation and Key Stage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit daily under the government initiative.
Healthy Eating
We actively promote “Healthy Eating” through as part of our “Healthy Schools” status and hope that you will join with us in encouraging a healthy diet.
Free School Meals
Nursery children
Nursery school children aren't entitled to free school meals. Discuss lunch arrangements direct with the EYFS Team.
School milk in nursery
Nursery children get a free choice of whole milk or semi-skimmed, funded by the NHS.
Children in reception, year 1 and year 2
Your child can get a free lunch at school if they're in Reception class, Year 1 or Year 2.
And if you register, your school could get extra money to help pupils.
Register for free school meals (Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2)
Have your National Insurance number or Home Office number to hand when you apply.
School milk in reception, year 1 and year 2
Schools provide free milk up until a child's 5th birthday. If it's during the term, they won't get free milk from that term onwards.
Most children entitled to free school meals can also get free milk, except for children who get Universal Income free school meals. Contact your school for more information.
Children in Year 3 or older
Your child can get a free school meal if you receive any of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get).
Apply today if you receive any of these benefits. It takes 5 mins and in most cases we can tell you straightaway if your child can get free meals at school.Check your eligibility, then apply (Year 3 and older)
Have your National Insurance number or Home Office number to hand when you apply.
If your child is eligible for free school meals, they’ll remain eligible until March 2023, or until they finish their current phase of schooling (primary or secondary), if that's after the end of March 2023.
School milk in Year 3 or above
Children entitled to free school meals can also get free milk. Contact your school for more information.
Free School Meals Application Form please complete and email to and the school will apply on your behalf.