Home School Agreement

The School will:

  • Provide a safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment in which your child can make good progress, feel valued, be comfortable, be healthy, learn well, develop social skills and form friendships.
  • Keep you informed about the curriculum your child will follow, and their progress and welfare.
  • Make sure you are told about school and class activities for each term by meetings and Newsletters.
  • Provide an annual written report on your child’s progress, attitude and achievement.
  • Inform you as quickly as possible about any changes that may affect your child e.g. cancellation of clubs or other events for unforeseen reason.
  • Ensure that uniform requirements are kept to the minimum
  • Contact you if your child is marked absent on the register and the school has not been informed of a reason.
  • Contact you if your child is unwell or has an injury that needs more than very minor first aid.
  • Respect your child’s beliefs, opinions and ideas

The family will:

  • Support our child in their learning and other school activities, and attend Learning Review Meetings.
  • Support the school and its policies.
  • Treat all staff professionally and in a respectful manner, including face to face meetings and email/telephone communication.
  • Reinforce the school’s Good Learner Statement.
  • Ensure that our child arrives punctually, appropriately dressed within the school dress code and ready for the day ahead.
  • Inform the school as quickly as possible of any absence on a daily basis, and of any notifiable diseases or conditions.
  • Make every effort to ensure that snacks and packed lunches are as healthy and nutritious as possible, and NUT-FREE, and that our child has a water-bottle in school
  • We will support the schools approach to online safety and not deliberately upload any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community. 

The child will:

  • Follow the Good Learner Statement.
  • Respect all adults that support us in school.
  • Represent the school in the right way when outside of school, especially when in uniform.
  • Tell the truth at all times
  • Look after my own and other people’s/school's possessions.
  • Complete my homework tasks on time
  • Try to be a good friend
  • Respect other people’s beliefs, opinions and ideas
  • Feel proud to represent the school