Charging Policy

Many educational day visits for children will be organised during the year. These visits help us to cover the National Curriculum. A Risk Assessment is always carried out before the visit is made. Letters seeking permission for children to participate in a visit will be sent home for you to sign and return. It is essential that we receive your permission as soon as possible. 

The Education Reform Act 1988 stated that schools were no longer permitted to make an official charge for such visits, but without a voluntary contribution of a defined amount from every parent we would be unable to undertake these visits. In cases of financial hardship, e.g. where a child’s family receives income support, parents may not be able to make a contribution. We would urge you to come in and discuss any difficulties, in confidence, with the Headteacher or Administration Manager. An arrangement for reduced or staggered contributions can often be agreed, and there is a local Ware Charity that may be approached.

You can find a copy of our Charging Policy in the Policies section of the website.