Year 2 History Off The Page - Great Fire of London - Day
Dear Parents & Carers of Year 2 Children,
To tie in with our history topic of The Great Fire of London, we have arranged for “History off the Page” to visit Year 2 here at Priors Wood on Wednesday 15th January for the day.
The children start the morning by becoming apprentices on the streets of London, learning skills common for workers of the era: leather working, metal working, sewing, etc. As the children learn their trades, they will learn how the fire spreads. The children will learn what action was taken to stop the spread of flames, including forming fire lines and how local buildings were torn down.
In the afternoon, the children will learn how to excavate what was left of the charred city, looking for personal belongings and important legal documents that helped the city start the process of rebuilding.
The children may come to school in a simple costume if they wish, and below is a suggestion of what may be suitable:
Boys:A large plain shirt with a large collar and a belt or cord around the waist; a plain waistcoat, if you have one; and plain, dark, baggy trousers (such as track suit bottoms) tucked into long socks.
- Girls:A plain shirt with a large collar; a long, preferably plain skirt; a man’s plain waistcoat, if you have one; a plain white apron; flat, sturdy shoes; and a plain white head scarf.
Alternatively, children may just come into school in comfortable, old clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit dirty!
Children will be able to order a school lunch in the usual way on the day.
The voluntary cost for the day is £19.72, and this has been split into 2 instalments of £9.86. Please give consent on Arbor under trips and pay the first instalment by Monday 13th January, and the second instalment can be paid at the end of January. If you have any questions or difficulty accessing Arbor please contact the school office as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Miss Eaves
Year 2 Class Teacher
*Although the cost is voluntary, the visit cannot go ahead if not enough parents pay.