Science Statement of Intent
At Priors Wood School, we recognise how science impacts every aspect of daily life, and without science, humankind would not have made progress throughout history. As one of the core subjects taught at primary level, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it deserves.
Learning science is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge of our world, and with developing skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. Our science curriculum develops the natural curiosity of each child no matter their demographic, encourages them to have respect for living organisms, and instil in pupils the importance of caring for the natural environment.
Aims and Impact
At Priors Wood School, we use the requirements of the Science National Curriculum as our guide, alongside the PZAZ Science scheme, to ensure our science lessons offer opportunities for children to:
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
- Formulate their own questions about the natural world.
- Foster the confidence to ‘be wrong’ when it comes to making predictions and postulating their own theories.
- Promote an awareness of the importance of teamwork in scientific experimentation.
- Practically investigate their questions using various methods of enquiry.
- Gain competence in the science skills of planning scientific investigations, gathering and analysing data and critical evaluation of investigations across the disciplines.
- Use a range of methods to gather data from investigations and secondary sources including ICT, drawings, diagrams, videos and photographs.
- Present data in a variety of methods including tables, bar charts, line graphs, pictograms and pie charts.
- Produce comprehensive science reports that demonstrate their proficiency in the scientific method.
- Have care for the safety of all individuals in lessons by developing knowledge of the hazards of the materials and equipment they handle, along with mitigating these hazards.
- Develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery.
Further Information
For further information about our Science curriculum, please click on the links below:
Science Skills Progression - Knowledge
Science Skills Progression - Working Scientifically